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Helping dis-illusioned NHS professionals rediscover passion for their work & life!

From the beginning Chitra set out to be a different kind of coach. One that not only celebrated achievement but living with integrity and passion too.

With the NHS struggling and good, hard-working professionals suffering, the time was right for someone to come in and shake things up. And did she ever!

So, let’s discover why Chitra’s coaching is so powerful and is becoming the number one choice for NHS health professionals across the UK, as they navigate their way like a sleek super yacht towards a glorious horizon which holds the prescription for a stress-free and purposeful life.

In Her Own Words…

 While you are contemplating your future and seeing yourself at the helm of your big, beautiful sailing yacht, let me tell you a bit about myself:

I was born and brought up in a charming costal town called Tuticorin in South India. Growing up, we were not rich, but I was lucky – I never lacked for anything.

Nourished in a supportive environment, by my mother’s selfless love and inspired by my dad’s strong sense of integrity and duty and my brother’s adoration, we were also lucky enough to have a large extended family in our town, and we met religiously every week on Saturdays, in my grandfather’s house. I remember well, the great fun, fighting and playing around with my cousins, and the many good role models we had within our family too.

Looking back, I think it is this support and inspiration, which I had in my early days, that has fuelled my passion to provide similar support to others – it’s just what I have learnt to value at my core. I love to support people and enjoy bringing out the best in those around me.

And as I observed those who were not so lucky, I began to realise that the difference in people is often their environment. We all need good cheerleaders and strong supporters to become our best selves. Self-esteem is built from beliefs and beliefs so often are built from the people around us.

I am also a Dreamer

Whilst most people see me as a sensible, practical person, secretly, I live in my own world of delicious dreams.

I started dreaming of becoming a doctor when I was only eight years old, inspired by my uncles, and the ability it would give me to help people. I was hooked on this enticing vision.

I also remember sitting focused and enthralled in an English lesson when I was 14 years old… It was about life in London and it profoundly affected me.

My English teacher had a soft, soothing voice and as she spoke of the River Thames, roasted chestnuts, and all that London has to offer, she brought them into that classroom with me. In that moment, moving to London became another dream and today when I walk along the Thames Path, taking in the smell and sights, my thoughts saunter back to the wooden benches in that classroom and the sound of her voice that brought me here.

In fact, reflecting now, I realise that ‘visualisations’ and ‘affirmations’, have kept my dreams alive and helped me plot a clear path towards them. Today, I use these processes with my clients to help them also navigate their way towards passion and purpose. I truly believe, with the right support, we all have innate potential to reach the destination of our choice.

So back to India…

 I did become a medical doctor in India, and I fell in love with Obstetrics and Gynaecology and did two years of post-graduate study in that subject too.

Then, staying true to my dream, I came to the UK in 1994, and joined the NHS in O&G. However, I quickly learnt that I must significantly upskill myself to flourish in the NHS.

There was not much of equality and diversity in the 1990’s and life was difficult for International Medical Graduates in the NHS. However, I had learnt the skill of commitment to my dreams and attained my coveted MRCOG in May 1997 and had my beautiful baby son in June 1997 and both were joyous, proud moments of my life.

After eight years as a hospital doctor in O&G, I realised that I valued my autonomy more than I loved O&G. It hurt initially and I felt like a failure for a while, however, I decided to switch my career and started training to become a General Practitioner.

Boy-oh-Boy! How wrong I was! I thought I had failed, missed a star and grabbed a fistful of clouds, but becoming a general practitioner was one of the best decisions I took in my life. It opened so many avenues for me and I thrived in general practice. I grew in so many dimensions – clinically, personally, and professionally.

And it is this decision that I look back on today and realise that letting go of what is not working and being flexible is part of ultimate achievement. Being able to reflect upon what is and being honest about who we really are is a big piece of the puzzle when we navigate and take back control of our lives. No need to beat ourselves up, but rather celebrate our courage to stand up for who we really are and for figuring out the next piece of the prescription for our own success.

Shush! I am going to let you in on a secret here!

Have you ever come across someone who took 25 interviews before becoming a GP Partner? Yours truly! Yes, it is easier to say it light-heartedly now, but it wasn’t easy then! Did it hurt? It hurt like hell! I threw temper tantrums, cried every time, I got a rejection letter or phone call.

That is when I learnt the importance of having ‘anchors’. My husband and my family rallied around me and kept me going towards my goal, and in 2011, I got there.

Once I became a GP partner, I was on an upward spiral and learnt a significant amount of HR, management, and business skills in addition to being a clinician. I soon became a GP trainer and an appraiser which helped me to support and mentor younger GPs.

I also became an RCGP examiner and Governing Body Member in the Clinical Commissioning Group initially at borough level and later at North Central London and was involved in strategic planning of health care provision. Every post came with its own challenges and the opportunity to grow.

Everything seemed rosy, but then it all changed…

Unfortunately, the ecstasy didn’t last long. The workload gradually crept up. There was an acrimonious partnership dispute, two HR disputes leading to an employment tribunal and pension ombdusman, unannounced CQC visits and two failed CQC visits. I had the responsibility to show up and stay strong for the team. I turned up every single day at work carrying on. It all took the toll on me, and I was on a downward spiral for two years. I became bitter, cynical, and a cup half-empty person.

As a health-care professional, the one word which we don’t want to say or admit to is burn-out. Yes, it took two years for me to recognise and accept that I was burnt-out. The harsh truth came out during one of my sessions with my coach and mentor, Jo Creed. She said it without saying it at all. That is an art.

She showed me where I was on that day and made me realise where I want to go. It was a HUGE turning point for me. I realised that not only was my own yacht not sailing serenely into a spectacular sunset, but those hard-working healthcare professionals around me were suffering the same fate.

“Through the months that I have had coaching sessions, I have moved onto a new role as an associate director for Health Education England as well as becoming a GP appraiser. In addition, I was able to reflect on what my personal priorities were and how they were impacting my views on my professional work. This has prompted me to review my work-life balance and make decisions that suited my current and future needs. I would highly recommend coaching with Dr Sankaran.” 

– Dr Vaisnavi Siritharan

Associate Director Enfield and Haringey Health Education England

“I realised my inner compass had lost it’s alignment, but I also recognised a path to correct my course”.

I started training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and soon became an NLP master practitioner and reconnected with my values and purpose. Once, I recognised and asked for help, people turned up in my life to help me out. It is great to know that I am supported and looked after.

I started noticing the extent to which I was not alone and COVID has actually made things worse for many. The number of people retiring, reducing the workload, quietly quitting the NHS were significantly increasing.

I recognised people lost at sea, trying to steady their yacht on their own without help and they were struggling at best and at worst they were driven to commit suicide.

It was a huge wakeup call and a purpose that I felt strongly, and I made it my mission to invigorate and realign disillusioned and exhausted healthcare professionals, so they (once again) could feel pride, satisfaction, and joy in sharing their knowledge and skills in the amazing job they do.

I value inspiring dreams and achievement is my passion, but success needs to come with integrity, as part of the package so that you can feel the ultimate fulfilment you truly desire. This is what we focus on together in my coaching. With the right support and first-class tools at hand as you sail through life, I believe you really can achieve anything your heart desires.

And finally, here’s a couple of fun facts about me!

My favourite colour is bright green!

When I am not being a GP, Coach, or mentor, I am also a mother to an adorable son, a loving wife, a daughter, sister, and a Pokemon-GO game enthusiast! You can see me on Pokemon community days, stomping around North London with my son, chasing the shiny Pokemon!

“Coaching sessions with Dr Chitra Sankaran were very helpful to identity causes of overwhelming and frustration. It helped me to get work-life balance by reflecting on my personal priorities and how they were impacting on my professional work.”

– Dr Sarada Yeturi, GP Partner

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The Aligned Career Captain

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Do you remember that glorious day when you felt you were on top of the world?

You felt you'd arrived!

You were going to make a difference in the lives of the people!

You were going to add value to your community and world!

If you want to feel that again, contact Chitra and let's steer you back on course!