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The Art of Setting Goals

The Art of Setting Goals

Are you feeling drowned amid articles on setting goals, blogs on making your goals SMART and tips to smash the New Year! Are you being asked by your friends, and your work colleagues, what are your goals for this year? Do you feel that you SHOULD have a goal, but not...
Reviewing Your Goals

Reviewing Your Goals

We are already in the sixth week of the New Year! Being normal people, we thought about our dreams; we had fantasies, we had aspirations, and we set and wrote SMART goals. Whichever group, you fall into, it is time to review the goals! Why, you might ask? First and...
Role Models

Role Models

We all grow up having role models in our lives. It is our parents, teachers and grandparents in the early stages of life. As our world expands, the role models grow. We have role models for our work, home life and hobbies. Sometimes, as we grow up, some role models...