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Are you feeling drowned amid articles on setting goals, blogs on making your goals SMART and tips to smash the New Year!

Are you being asked by your friends, and your work colleagues, what are your goals for this year?

Do you feel that you SHOULD have a goal, but not sure what it is yet?

Have you got goals like ‘better work-life balance’, ‘read a book a month’, ‘become healthy’ but you’re just not feeling inspired by them?

Do you feel you need to be specific but not sure where to turn around?

Does everything seem fuzzy?

It happens!

Life is easier and simpler when we are young and ignorant.

When you were five, your goal was to have a brand-new Barbie doll or a train set.

When you reached ten, your goal was to have a brand-new bike or a necklace.

At fifteen, the goal was to get the latest iPhone or computer games.

As you grew up, the goals were always clearer – get 4A*, get into a certain University, become a doctor, nurse, lawyer or accountant!

You knew exactly what exams you must take, how many hours you need to put in, and how many sacrifices you have to make to get to that stage!

You get there!

Now, the fun starts!

You have reached a certain status, position in your profession. You are happy and delighted. But, you know, you want to do more. Yet, it becomes difficult to articulate what your next step is going to be, what is that magic goal?

You are scared to move further but unhappy to stay in the same place.

You are not alone.

So use the following tips to guide you to set your goals.

Do not feel that you SHOULD have New Year Goals. Goals are objectives which enables you to make progress whenever you are ready to move from your current place or situation. It can be set at any time of the year. Don’t restrict yourself with time frames.

When you are ready to move on but feeling unclear about the next step to take – just allow your mind to wander aimlessly from one place to another. Observe the places, objects, and images being visited by your mind.

See if you can find any pattern. Note it down.

Imagine yourself in five years’ time and reverse engineer to the current time and place.

Identify a wise friend, mentor, or coach with whom you can share you dreams and who can empower you to shape them into tangible goals!

Remember as the famous quote goes, ‘you don’t have to get it perfect; you just have to get it going’.