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Are you overwhelmed with extra workload on what already seems like an impossible day?

Do those around you seem inconsiderate and uncaring of your needs?

Are you exhausted in body, mind and spirit and tired of feeling tired?

Do you fantasize about quitting and feel relief at the thought of running away?


AND I have a simple solution, that you can implement right away, which may just change your life!

Let me help you…

Smooth the waters & feel appreciated by those around you

Sail with the wind and get back control

Feel a sense of calm & fulfilment at the end of the day

Experience the joy of feeling on purpose and achieving your goals

Cruise smoothly towards your destination of choice

Enjoy a life that thrills you and makes you smile

Let go of stress and instead steer towards life at its best…

‘Experience Renewed Energy & ENTHUSIASM FOR YOUR WORK – Discover The Prescription for A SuccessFUL LIFE!’

Meet Dr. Chitra Sankaran

Having experienced over two decades within the NHS, Chitra is very aware of the struggles that can be involved. Whilst most start a career in medicine with pride & purpose, this feeling of passion is too often whittled away by long hours and stress. Having seen good people suffering within the industry, her own passion now lies in creating happy Healthcare Captains, as she supports them to confidently navigate the anatomy of a stress-free and successful life.

By anchoring within those she coaches, the ultimate prescription for positive energy, passion and renewed purpose in both business and life, Chitra’s methodology helps them C.R.U.I.S.E to their future destination of choice. And she can do this for you too.

After all, it was clear from the beginning, that Chitra was a different kind of coach. One that not only celebrated achievement but placed importance upon living with integrity, passion and a sense of inner peace too. This is her story…

“Chitra understands which questions to ask. She is warm, focused and non-judgemental. Her coaching made all the difference between not functioning and gaining the confidence to stay on course.”

Jane D – Scotland

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Services & Solutions

Individual Coaching Sessions

Discover The Mini-Course

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Want one-to-one time with Chitra, then this is for you! Let her help you anchor a new way of living and feeling starting today!

It's Brand New!

Discover the brand new mini-course!

'Techniques to toss workplace frustrations overboard'.

The Aligned Career Captain

Success Skippers

The Signature Programme

Discover Chitra's Signature Programme which uses her unique 6-Step Method to turn your life around...

Group Coaching

Sign up for the waiting list, if you are interested in working in small group of 6-10 like-minded, motivated individuals!

“Thanks to Chitra, I now know I have four hours extra in a day, to watch my favourite TV shows and go on social media! I would definitely recommend Chitra if you need clarity and support and are feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to find enough hours in the day.”

Indrani – Media Lead at Google Crowdsource

Lifeline Academy Blog

It’s Time To Re-Direct Your Focus


Do you remember that glorious day when you felt you were on top of the world?

You felt you'd arrived!

You were going to make a difference in the lives of the people!

You were going to add value to your community and world!

If you want to feel that again, contact Chitra and let's steer you back on course!